
استمرار قیام کشاورزان اصفهان برای حقابه و گسترش این حق خواهی تا رسیدن به خواسته هایشان

استمرار قیام کشاورزان اصفهان برای حقابه و گسترش  این حق خواهی تا رسیدن به خواسته هایشان 
طی هفته های اخیرشاهد اعتراضات  فزاینده مردم دلیر اصفهان و کشاورزان این شهر هستیم منطقه ای که طی سالیان نه چندان دور محصولات کشاورزی فراوان و مشهوری را به سایر نقاط ایران صادرمیکرد و شهره عام وخاص بود . زاینده رود زیبا نیز یکی از نقاط گردشگری برای سایر هموطنان و نیز توریستها از سایر کشورها بوده است .اما طی سالهای سیاه حکومت آخوندی به دلیل دست اندازی نامبارک سپاه جهل و غارت این آب به سایر نقاط مورد نظر آنها تغییر مسیر داده و نهایتا قوت لایموت نیز برای مردم و کشاورزان زحمتکش این خطه زر خیز و هنر پرور به کیمیایی دست نیافتنی مندل شده است .
قطعا با استمرار قیامهای مردم زحمتکش وکشاورزان دلیر و عاصی حقابه به آنها باز خواهد گشت و زاینده رود دوباره خواهد خروشید وزیبایی اش جلوه گاه مشتاقان خواهد شد. رودهای اراده های سترگ برای احقاق حق به دریای بیکران مردم سایر نقاط ایران عزیز خواهد پیوست و روز رهایی ایران به زودی فرا میرسد . خواهشمندم برای اطلاع بیشتر از قیام کشاورزان و کمک به  سرنگونی هر چه سریعتر نظام جبار و ستمگر حاکم به  لینکهای مقاومت پرشکوه سراسری  مراجعه کنید 
کلیپ زیر را نیز مشاهده کنید


بقای نظام ضحاک عمامه دار به بهای کشتارمردم سوریه و ۴۰ سال جنایت و ستم وسرکوب در ایران

بقای نظام ضحاک عمامه دار به بهای کشتارمردم سوریه و ۴۰ سال جنایت و ستم وسرکوب در ایران
نماینده ملل متحد در سوریه گفته است که سالانه بین ۶ تا۱۵میلیارددلار ایران برای سر پا نگه داشتن دولت سوریه خرج میکند این میزان اگر چه میتواند عمق فاجعه را در رابطه با میزان فقر وفلاکت مردم ایران به نمایش بگذارد ولی امواج سهمگین این ویرانی همچنان در سایر کشورهای همسایه ایران بوضوح مشاهده میشود . اندکی توجه به وضعیت عراق و یمن و لبنان و بطور خاص سوریه می تواند ما را به صحنه دردناک بهایی که  برای بقای نظام اخوندی از بشریت معاصر گرفته شده است رهنمون شود .امسال که به درستی سال سرنگونی ملایان ازنفس افتاده نام گرفته است از هر سوی جهان مورد تایید قرار گرفته است و به اندرونی ترین بخش های حاکمیت نیز راه برده است به گونه ای که  سرعت اخبار وحوادث از توان خواندن و تحلیل آنها  بسا پیشی  گرفته و سراشیب سقوط نظام هر لحظه تندتر میشود مقابله جویی احمدی نژاد و سایر مقامات بسیج و اطلاعات تا سینه چاکان اصلاحات و تظاهرات روزمره در شهرهای مختلف و نیز موقعیت انفجاری سقوط ارزش ریال  در مقابل دلار که شیپور سرنگونی و انهدام اقتصاد از نفس افتاده دولت روحانی را به گوش همه میرساند . در این راستا نظر شما و خوانندگان و مشتاقان آزادی ایران زمین را به لینکها ی مقاومت ایران جلب میکنم تا به صورت دقیق و مستدل به وضعیت بحرانی حاضر اشراف داشته باشند و در طوفانهای مستمر وتحلیلهای متنوع به مسیر پیش رو و چشم انداز پر شور رهایی مردم ایران واقف گشته و بتوانندهر 
چه در توانشان هست  در این مسیر شکوهمند مشارکت و همکاری داشته باشند به امید پیروزی و بهروزی مردم ایران 


A Look at Khomeini's Fatwa for PMOI/MEK Massacre

After all , it is not a dismissed issue ,as it is not a simple matter #1988Massacre ,it was at least 30000 innocents been massacred by a simple Fatwa ,say a religious order by Khomeini in 1988 in Iran .now there is a great motion for a great revolt and in a better word a deep revolution against the dictatorial regime in Iran .#HumanRights #1988Massacre  #MaryamRajavi
A Look at Khomeini's Fatwa for #PMOI/#MEK Massacre
By Jubin Katiraie

29 years ago these days, in Iran under the mullahs’ regime, the massacre of over 30,000 political prisoners, mainly members, and supporters of the Iranian opposition People's #Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) had engulfed all of Iran.

The intensity and speed of this massacre were so severe that not only PMOI/MEK families, but all other families of prisoners sought information about their loved ones. No authorities would provide answers, however.

The international community had turned its back on this horrible genocide, all under the pretext of Iranian regime founder Ruhollah Khomeini signing United Nations Security Council Resolution 598 ending the Iran-Iraq War. This signing was the result of Khomeini becoming terrified of his regime being toppled by the PMOI/MEK.

Initially, groups opposing the #PMOI/#MEK, followed by the mullahs’ regime, portrayed these executions as the mullahs’ response to a massive combat operation staged by the National Liberation Army of Iran and the PMOI/MEK in the final days of July of that year.

However, these claims were discredited shortly and other sources indicated that the massacre was carried out based on Khomeini’s inhumane and anti-Islamic fatwa against the PMOI/MEK issued far before. Khomeini and his regime have to this day considered the PMOI/MEK as the sole serious threat that remains steadfast on its non-negotiable position of “overthrowing” this regime.

In a recent interview with state-TV Aparat, former Iranian intelligence minister Ali Fallahian said the order to massacre #PMOI/#MEK inmates in 1988 was issued previously by Khomeini.



the legitimacy of this right is deniable,we never forget nor exonerate the criminals who executed the mass massacre in 1988 in Iran #1988Massacre .#MaryamRajavi
NCRI - In response to “the justice seeking Movement for victims of 1988 massacre” and along with the three-day Iranian Resistance Satellite TV ‘Simay Azadi's’ event on the anniversary of the Massacre, state run Basij News writes," The People's Mojahedin of Iran (MEK/PMOI) has organized the maximum propagandas and military activities against the Islamic Republic of Iran."


Why the Iranian regime is incapable of reforming from within

The annual #PMOI gathering was held on July 1 at the Villepinte convention hall, northeast of Paris. Tens of thousands of supporters from all over the world gathered to attend this gathering. As the hall did not have the capacity to accommodate all participants, thousands remained outside the hall.
It seems the light of change is shining on Iran. The ruling regime is in disarray and the Iranian society is simmering with discontent. These circumstances, she said, highlight three fundamental truths related to freedom and liberty in Iran, as well as peace and tranquility in the region.
please have a closer look to know why it is impossible for Iranian regime to be reformed from within
because it is proved many times during the 38 years past

#MaryamRajavi holds flowers as she pays tribute during a gathering in Auvers-sur-Oise, near Paris, September 29, 2012. (Reuters)

By F. Mahmoudi
Special to Al Arabiya English
Thursday, 13 July 2017
The unprecedented strength of the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Paris and Albania has severely alarmed the Iranian regime. It has also raised a pertinent question, can the Iranian regime be reformed within?

The signs so far are not encouraging. Tehran sent its foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, to Paris to prevent the annual gathering of opposition figures. As French officials found the regime’s position very weak, they ended up signing a contract for the benefit of the French oil giant Total.
Hossein Shariatmadari, editor-in-chief Kayhan daily, known as the mouthpiece of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, wrote an article titled “Humiliated and Rewarded”, which mentioned the Total contract being signed at the same time as the PMOI gathering in Paris.

“The remarks of former French foreign minister Bernard Kouchner at a PMOI meeting one day after Zarif’s return from France is another sign of the French government's insistence on humiliating our nation,” he wrote.

Zarif in France



 Assadi is is a political prisoner who will be charged during some days in a court  he is now in Gohardasht and his case remains unsettled ,in resent days the Iranian regime started to attack to every place which is suspected to be in part of the opposition ,please support this prisoner from any danger in the regime prisons ,to have a better detail have a look at the article  By INU Staff


By INU Staff
Majid Assadi political prisonre

INU - According to reports obtained from inside Iran, the past months have seen a spike in arrests and executions. In fear of mass anti-state protests similar to those that took place in 2009, the regime has resorted to raid the homes of political and human rights activists in Iran, especially the supporters of the main resistance group People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (#PMOI/#MEK).

This happens against the backdrop of a widespread campaign in Iran condemning the regime’s three-decade-long crimes in the country’s prisons, especially the massacre of 30 thousand political prisoners in the summer of 1988.

One of the more recent cases is that of Majid Assadi, 34, who lives in Karaj, 40 km west of Tehran. Holding a degree in economics from the Alameh Tabatabai University, Assadi is a student activist, former political prisoner, and a supporter of the MEK.

On February 18, 2017 agents of the Ministry or Intelligence and Security (MOIS) arrested Assadi after they violently broke into his father’s home in Karaj.

The ten armed MOIS agents arrested Assadi and ransacked his house without any warrant.

At the time of the arrest, the agents also harmed Assadi’s ailing father, who had just undergone a liver implant surgery as part of his cancer treatment.

The agents handcuffed Assadi in front of his family and interrogated his family in his presence to torment him. They then confiscated all of his personal belongings, including his personal computer, phone and books.


Remarks by Prince Turki Al Faisal at the Free Iran Rally in Paris July 1, 2017

It is the second time ,and so the decisive one ,that a distinguished personality from the Arabia participates in the great gathering of Iranian opposition ,#PMOI and #NCRI supported by a huge number of supporters of #FreeIran .it means that the future of the region is marked with peace and collaboration between the neighbors in the middle east .
please have a look at the following article ,by #NCRI

Remarks by Prince Turki Al Faisal at the Free Iran Rally in Paris July 1, 2017

NCRI - On Saturday, July 1st, The National Council of Resistance of Iran (#NCRI) held their annual “Free Iran” rally, which was attended by some 100,000 people, including hundreds of high ranking political supporters from the US, the EU, and dignitaries from around the world.

One of the speakers at the event was Honorable Prince Turki Al Faisal, former Saudi ambassador in the United States and United Kingdom. And the current chairman of King Faisal Foundation's Center for Research and Islamic Studies in Saudi Arabia.
Honorable Prince Turki Al Faisal
His speech was as follows:

In the name of Allah the Merciful

And peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and disciples


President Ahmed Al-Ghozali

Ladies and gentlemen,

Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you.

I am honored and thankful once more for inviting me to participate in your annual meeting. It is the forum where the sons of Iran, who have left Iran due to the injustice of the Velayat al-Faqih rule, meet with representatives from many countries of the world who have suffered the terrorism of this government, the largest sponsor of terrorism. This meeting is to remind the world of the crimes of this regime against its citizens, its neighbors and of its threat to regional and global security and stability.