
Location of 14 IRGC Terrorist Training Camps Around Iran

Iran: Scale of IRGC Foreign Fighters' Program Revealed
The NCRI today highlighted 14 IRGC training camps, as well as describing the command structure, stating that the commander of the Training Directorate, reports directly to Quds Force Commander, Qassem Soleimani. Terrorist training for operatives from across the globe is commanded by Colonel Tahmasebi. Codenamed '320', the commander of heavy weapons training at Imam Ali military base is Colonel Ali Mohammad. In charge of 'VIP Security' is Colonel Ramky.

The scale of the Training Directorate is underlined by the fact that just one of its training camps is currently sending 2,000 Afghans to Syria every week.
IRGC mercenaries are first sent for ideological indoctrination at the Imam Ali Academy in Tajrish, Tehran. They are then sent to one of the following:
Imam Ali Garrison - various
Baadindeh Center in Varamin – urban warfare
Malek Ashtar Camp in Amol – survival training
Semnan Center –missile training
Lowshan Garrison - special training
Telecabin Axis – commando training
Abadan - marine warfare
Ahwaz - marine warfare
Qeshm Axis - marine warfare
Mashhad Center – Afghan forces
Pazouki Garrison – Afghan forces for Syria
Chamran Garrison - Afghan forces for Syria
Shahriar Garrison - Afghan forces for Syria

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