
European MPs and VIPs to attend grand gathering in Paris calling for regime change in #Iran

European MPs and VIPs to attend grand gathering in Paris calling for regime change in #Iran
there is only 4 days to the greatest gathering of Iranian opposition to call for a free Iran and to expel the terrorism regime in Iran who for several years has been proved by the international community ,that it is not a normal partner in the world but being a devil enemy that to lengthen the tyranny ,will does everything ,so as we saw in the past 38 years.so the gathering will perform in Paris 1 july ,with  #MaryamRajavi presence it is a shining attendance ,the will of a deep change in Iran .
accordingly I demand you to have a look at the support of European MPs and VIPs from this valuable and decisive gathering


Several hundred European parliamentarians and dignitaries from two dozen countries will attend the #FreeIran grand gathering in Paris on July 1. The event is also expected to attract tens of thousands of Iranian expatriates and their supporters. The participants will condemn the ongoing human rights violations in Iran, as well as Tehran’s meddlesome role in the conflict-torn region. Considering the recent events in Europe and elsewhere, the Iranian government’s role in training foreign fighters for terrorist attacks abroad, as well as its drive to acquire nuclear weapons will certainly be denounced.


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