
What Is the Right U.S. Policy on Iran?

It is a good and punctual question to be put forward ,as it is the real time to decide what to do if we aim to a secure and safe world .#MaryamRajavi has the real response .it is to a big and radical change in Iran throwing away the actual regime of mullahs who is clearly unbearable after 38 years of  war ,terrorism ,meddling in others affairs and worst of all expanding its ideology ,as a fanatic one in the region  .
a great gathering will be held in PARIS 1 july ,there will be #MaryamRajavi in the heart of the rally
. Furthermore I thank you to have a look at the article below , it should be suitable to explain the matter and the importance of a great decision.

United States Secretary of State Rex Tillerson responded to a variety of very serious questions raised by House of Representatives members in a recent hearing focusing on U.S. policy vis-à-vis Iran. Representative Ted Poe (R) from Texas touched on what many believe is the ultimate issue when he said:
America’s top diplomat, taking into consideration how the Trump administration’s all-out Iran policy remains an issue of evaluation, answered:

“… our Iranian policy is under development.

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