
Iran Freedom Gathering - Grand Gathering for Free Iran - Stop Iranian regime meddling in the region

Ten point Platform of  Maryam Rajavi

Iran Freedom Gathering - Grand Gathering for Free Iran - Stop Iranian regime meddling in the region
 there will be a grand gathering in Paris 1 july to stop the iranian regim meddling across the mid east countries and elsewhere ,as far as the power of IRGC can manage. MaryamRajavi is in the center of this yearly gathering to emphasis what should be done to stop the Iranian terrorism which is mentioned for several years ,that fortunately these days has gained many positive responses . MaryamRajavi is severe to brink back the democracy in Iran and the peace throughout the middle east and accordingly all the globe
I would rather all peace lovers to participate this grand gathering to show their solidarity for what happened in these past years to Iranian people and the region and the will to stop it for ever .

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