
U.S. Congress Sponsors Resolution Seeking Justice for MEK Members Massacred by Iran Regime in 1988

After 30 years passing the mass execution of 30000 members and supporters of #PMOI the blood of the victims is being remembered by the people and all those who believes in the right of freedom and human rights , the resolution by U.S.Congress is an example , I demand you to note the report coming below . and I must remind the grand gathering that will be in Paris 1 july with the presence of #MaryamRajavi

U.S. Congress Sponsors Resolution Seeking Justice for #MEK Members Massacred by Iran Regime in 1988

Iran Focus

London, 22 Jun - Forty-Six US Congressmen and women have sponsored a resolution which calls on the US Government and its allies across the world to publically condemn the 1988 massacre of Iranian political prisoners and calls on the UN to launch an investigation into this crime against humanity.

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